Lesson 1: Welcome to the Doge-O

2 min readFeb 27, 2023


“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” - Confucius

Welcome, prospective students, to the Doge-O. I am your Sensei, Hayashi. I’ve been in the Shitcoin Casino space for the past 3 years, and at this point I’ve done everything under the Sun. I helped found a token on BSC that reached over a 20 Million Dollar Market Cap, and worked 100+ hours a week to make it successful. I’ve been rugged and scammed in many different ways over the years, but these negative events have taught me many valuable lessons. And now, I want to help teach degens to be the best version of themselves, that way they can maximize their profits and minimize their losses.

Let us start Lesson One:

Welcome to the Doge-O.

When I first entered the crypto space, it was a very overwhelming experience. There was so much to learn and I felt that there was no one available to teach how to navigate the space properly. YouTuber Moonbois and Telegram Callers were my first “teachers” of the space. And as many of you can imagine(and maybe even relate) this did not go well. I ended up losing a couple thousand dollars in the first month of playing within the Shitcoin Casino. I knew I had to change up my strategy and try to figure out how to get in BEFORE these callers rather than after.

That’s when I realized what the most POWERFUL part of this space is.

Connections. Knowing People. Meeting People. Maintaining Contact with these Connections.

By knowing MORE PEOPLE than most within this space, it gives me the upper hand on finding out “Early Alpha” before others. By meeting more like minded investors and being kind, I’ve gained a lot of very valuable connections, both on the financial level and on a mental level. This space is a rough place to endure sometimes. We ALL need good people in our corner.

So, as a summary, meet new people. Talk to investors. Try to meet as many Devs and Callers as you can. Join as many “Alpha” groups as you can(there’s another lesson here to be learned but I’ll have that on the next lesson 😉). By doing the following, you are arming yourself with the most information in order to discern whether to ape in or not to ape in.

I hope you enjoyed your lesson. The next one will be released shortly after the launch for $DOGEFU.

